etcd: The unsung Hero of K8s

etcd is the unsung hero behind Kubernetes, acting as a distributed key-value store. Imagine it as a highly reliable filing cabinet that stores all the critical information your cluster needs to function. This includes:1. Cluster Configuration: How your pods, deployments, and services are set up.2. Current State: The real-time status of your cluster, including running pods and … Continue reading etcd: The unsung Hero of K8s

Demystifying Load Balancers in AWS: Application vs. Network 

When it comes to scaling your applications in the cloud, AWS offers a powerful duo: Application Load Balancers (ALBs) and Network Load Balancers (NLBs). But which one is right for your needs? Let's learn more about them: ALB: The Application Savvy One1. Works at Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS), making intelligent routing decisions based on application-specific details … Continue reading Demystifying Load Balancers in AWS: Application vs. Network 

Securing Your Microservices with Keycloak and Kubernetes

In today's microservices landscape, robust authentication and authorization are crucial. That's where Keycloak, a powerful open-source identity and access management (IAM) solution, comes in. But managing Keycloak in a containerized environment like Kubernetes can seem daunting. Worry not! This blog post will guide you through seamlessly integrating Keycloak with Kubernetes, creating a secure and scalable … Continue reading Securing Your Microservices with Keycloak and Kubernetes

Mastering Terraform Workspaces: The Key to Multi-Environment Management

Terraform is an amazing tool for infrastructure as code (IaC), but managing multiple environments can get tricky. That's where workspaces come in, acting as your secret weapon for organization and efficiency. Here's what workspaces can do for you: 1. Separate environments with ease: Create distinct workspaces for development, staging, production, and more. Each workspace has its own set of resources … Continue reading Mastering Terraform Workspaces: The Key to Multi-Environment Management

Dockerfile vs Docker Compose

Dockerfile vs. Docker Compose: Building Blocks vs. Orchestrator Ever confused about Dockerfile and Docker Compose? You're not alone! They both play crucial roles in the containerized world, but they serve distinct purposes. Let's break it down: Dockerfile:The architect: A text file containing instructions to build a lightweight, self-contained Docker image. Think of it as the blueprint for your … Continue reading Dockerfile vs Docker Compose

GCP Services for 3-tier web-application

Google Cloud Platform offers several services that can be used to create a three-tier web application server. These services include Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, Memorystore, and Virtual Private Cloud. Cloud Run is a fully managed environment for running containerized apps, while Cloud SQL is a fully managed database for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. Memorystore … Continue reading GCP Services for 3-tier web-application

Resolving TLS Certificate Verification Errors When Pulling Docker Images from a Private Repository

Introduction: Docker has revolutionized containerization, allowing developers to package and distribute applications seamlessly. When working with private repositories, you might encounter TLS certificate verification errors, such as the one below: Error response from daemon: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority This error typically occurs when Docker cannot verify … Continue reading Resolving TLS Certificate Verification Errors When Pulling Docker Images from a Private Repository

Why Meditation is necessary from the Medical Science’s point of view?

From the time of the birth till be death the heart works continuously. Everyday the heart pumps 7000 litres of blood, of which 70% blood is pumped to the Brain and the remaining 30% to the rest of body. How does the heart work so efficiently and effectively? Heart works effectively because it follows a … Continue reading Why Meditation is necessary from the Medical Science’s point of view?